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Platneni ruksak u boji, s vezicama za nošenje na rame, može se koristiti i kao torba za nošenje preko ramena, pakiranje 100 komada

Dimensions 37 × 46 cm

Black, Black, Bottle Green, Bright Red, Bright Royal, Burgundy, Chocolate, Classic
Pink, Classic Red, Emerald, French Navy, Fuchsia, Graphite, Kelly Green, Lavender, Lime Green, Light grey, Mustard, Natural, Olive, Orange, Pastel Blue, Pastel Lemon, Pastel Mint, Pastel Pink, Purple, Sapphire Blue, Surf Blue, White, Yellow

Za određeni popust potrebno je u košaricu dodati određeni broj proizvoda
Popust: 5% 10% 15% 20%
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